View Profile BlackMorningStudios
Just me and a some pencils, and a large amount of ADH... Oh! Awesome, I found a nickel... what was I doing again?

Age 33, Male

Joined on 2/22/09

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BlackMorningStudios's News

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - May 27th, 2009

Ich bin zufrieden zu stehen jene Ich habe nichts mehr zu stehen am diesmal so ICH Wunsch Sie alle würdet springen weg ein Fels. LOLOLOLOLOL! Falls Sie können verstehen dieses I'll versuchen Walisisch!

OR NOT?!? ?_?


Posted by BlackMorningStudios - May 26th, 2009

Hey what is up Newgrounders, well I just started on the Script for Ex-Mafia: Code-Name Cursor is underway! I just started the script and should have the rough copy complete after the finals and ACT Test in my High School. Veneficus Is also under way for the second chapter and Tom is ready to get this story underway. The Broken Eagle Comic draft is going okay I still need to do the draft and come up with character sketches. With drawbacks galore, failed endeavors, and constantly eating Doritos nonstop. I realized I need to buckle down and worry more about my schooling for now, so I guess I'll post something to keep myself from being completely board. I would appreciate some really creative ass names or some really creative character types. Also PM if you need Ideas for flash videos!

(Also see my art on deviant art! The link is on my user- page!)


Posted by BlackMorningStudios - May 22nd, 2009

HEY EVERYONE! Finally after some practice and ideas were I can get help, (Thanks Swain) I have offically, made my characters for Veneficus. All that remains now, is making a story board when my friend gets back from Missouri, also writing the format for comic page setup!

New PIcture I copied it out of a book for practice!

~COMIC UPDATE #4 + A New Picture~

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - May 21st, 2009

READ THIS FIRST! comics that will be disscussed in the following order. Veneficus, The Broken Eagle, Ex-Mafia. Also I am making Techno!

Hey newgrounds just stopping in again to say to tell what's up. I been catching alot of flak from the kids in my high school about how nerdy I am, but fuck 'em. Any who After a two month brainstorming spree and a little bit of hope, me and my friend have finish chapter one of the story and will be processing it for an outline in the upcoming month.

I will update when the characters for "The Broken Eagle" are complete, and more drawing! God give me strength.

Also some character names will be helpful so belt some out!

Comic Update #3

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - May 18th, 2009

Well I think it has been some time since I had posted something and I guess I would update my progress on my comic ideas.

All characters for each of my comics are still being developed including, "The Broken Eagle, Veneficus, and my favorite, "Ex-Mafia." I been working my ass off to finish the school year, and every stunde, has been a pain in my ass. So I'll post when I get a character done. So that's about it!

Comic Update

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - April 17th, 2009

Right now, my friend and I, are currently writing the script for this series. We hope it will last a few books maybe 1 to 5 at the moment. I started to story board awhile back, but couldn't find a good story line to go with. Overall with unforeseen circumstances we managed to get back into writing it and hopeful it becomes an epic um..... comic book fantasy type "thingy".

I want suggestions for a character that is a warrior type, and a character that is a evil villain.

Veneficus "The Arcane Trickster"

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - April 13th, 2009

Well for anyone who has attempted to make web comics, you probably enjoy them. Me I been trying on a different playing field and want to go commercial, but this one artist I know, won't cooperate. With set backs and all, most of my comics have been mostly fantasy, and sci-fi. The one I am working on right now, I'm just going to post on newgrounds and will just do web comics instead.

Comics at work
-Veneficus "The Arcane Trickster"
-The Broken Eagle

If you have any tips to offer I would be grateful. If you have any questions I will be willing to ask them anytime................and I know that the picture has spelling errors.


Posted by BlackMorningStudios - March 15th, 2009

For those of Warhammer Universe and know of its existence. THQ and Gamesworkshop, are now working on a new third person shooter. To any one wanting to watch the video I will post the link below.Now if you are twelve and haven't heard on this shit, go onto the gamesworkshop main web site, The info about the miniature game has at least been around since the early 1980s and not long ago games fro the computer were put out like Dawn of War, and five some expansion pacts.
Now kiddies, if say that the game is a rip off of gears of war, note that gears of war was made in 2006. Dawn of war, Fire Warrior, and the miniature game has been around longer than gears of war has been. Though your probably thinking that gears of war is better, also note that the chainsaw bayonet used by the cogs, seems to be taken from the ideas of the Warhammer 40k universe. Also ask me for more info about the table top miniature game....ehehe avid fan.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbjbbzO rCIg
http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/home .jsp
Any Opinions are fine...non-idiotic ones only.

GamesWorkshop's Newest GAme!

Posted by BlackMorningStudios - March 15th, 2009

Now you all may think that your country, territory, or what fucking state you live, may have an "alcoholic problem,"then you haven't been to Wisconsin.

We have more drunk drivers die than any other state in the United States of America and we consume the most alcohol than probably the Irish, and Brits.


Posted by BlackMorningStudios - March 13th, 2009

As we all know that how, "Call of Duty 4, 3, 2, 1," were probably some of the coolest world war 2 type games, (besides the espionage type shooters like, castle Wolfheimstein and Medal of Honor.) Well when Activision made another addition to the series, (Call of Duty, World at War.) it wasn't all that bad.
What was impressive, was how Activision was able to do a fantastic on a solo project, like this game.

But, what irritated me the most about the game was how it played out. like the game took an unexpected jump from the early part of the war( 1941-1942,) to (1945). Leaving out the endless existence of possibilities for hard ass levels that would make you want to tear fucking eye balls out, (besides that and the veteran level, were the enemy throws grenades at a ungodly rate.) The game may have been a little short for my liking, but it made up, with Nazi zombies.

Enjoyment Rating 8/10
Intensity Rating 9/10
Playability Rating 9/10
Overall Score 9/10

Post comments Or Opinions about the game.

Game Reviewed; Call of Duty "World at War"